Center Profile

Director: Sheila Hogan
15000 Aviation Blvd.
Lawndale, CA 90261

With a 1:6 ratio and a small group size, Little Aviators offers a unique approach to preschool education. Utilizing NPSS's Developmental Learning Model, teachers work together to deveop meaningful curriculum for children, meeting their developmental needs leading to future school success.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Happy Fall!

We wish all our graduates and former families well in their new adventures. We welcome all our new families. Fall is such a wonderful season, full of sights, sounds and smells. The children have been playing in leaves, throwing footballs and bobbing for apples; all sure signs that the seasons are changing, even in Southern California. That means it’s pumpkin patch time!! Our visit to the pumpkin patch is one of our most popular events, so mark your calendar now for the evening of Tuesday, Oct. 28th and plan to join us at Cottone & Sons Pumpkin Patch at 6:00 pm.

Thanks to our lucrative yard sale in September, we will have Jumpbunch, a sports skills program, working with the children every Tuesday morning, for 6 weeks, beginning Oct. 21st. Thank you to our Board and all our families who supported the yard sale. Our next yard sale will be in the spring.

Little Aviators has a strong tradition of community service. In the fall, we host a mini-march for Cystic Fibrosis. The children create items to wear or carry for the march and on October 30th will parade through the lobby and around the flagpole and back, often cheered on by FAA employees who line the route in support. Please turn in your donations by Oct. 31st. The teacher with the highest participation will receive a cash prize, so turn those sponsorships in!

Our Halloween party will be on Oct. 31st. Please sign up to bring items for a special morning snack time. Children do not wear their costumes from home to the center, but may bring them for share time the following week if they would like.

This year we are also participating in a food drive for Salvation Army. The red barrel is near the entrance to the center. You may place your non-perishable food items in the barrel. Donations will be picked up by the Salvation Army at the end of the month.

Sheila, Director